Saving and investing in your future
Despite present day demands on your finances, it’s sensible to think about your future by planning ahead. Setting specific goals over the short, medium, and long-term will help you to stay motivated and focused as you go through different stages in your life.

Cashflow planning
By understanding your income and outgoings, we help you to identify your cashflow – this is the starting point when allocating money towards your goals through saving and investing.
Savings are generally funds that can be accessed relatively quickly for things such as a holiday or a new car. Investments are designed to be held for a longer term, usually for at least five years.
Cashflow planning can also show how your future may look in different scenarios and can quickly display the effects of events in family life, such as university costs, retirement, or the loss of a job.
Understanding you
We’ll spend some time with you discussing these goals, how much risk you want to take with your money and whether you have any specific ethical or environmental requirements when investing (such as investing in companies that actively work to promote social good). These requirements will be built into your portfolio.
Diversifying and using tax allowances
Consideration will be given to make sure that your investments are diversified – this could mean spreading your investments across different asset classes like stocks, bonds, property, different sectors, and geographical areas. Diversification can help to reduce risk and optimise returns.
We will also help you to take advantage of any tax-efficient investments wrappers, such as Individual Savings Accounts (ISAs), each tax year.
We’ll arrange regular reviews with you to ensure that your portfolio is continuing to deliver the returns you need to meet your ongoing financial objectives. Financial markets are constantly changing – as are your own and your family’s circumstances. So, regular checks ensure that we can adapt and react to changes in market conditions.

The value of investments can go down as well as up and you may not get back the full amount you invested. The past is not a guide to future performance and past performance may not necessarily be repeated.
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